LCCA Events Overview

Annual Conventions

The LCCA is recognized for its world-class Annual Conventions held each year in the final week of July. The selection of the site for each year is based on criteria established by the club's Board of Directors and a convention management team, and efforts are made to move the convention to the various sections of the country to allow its members to attend from that region of the country. The selection of the site is normally made 3 years in advance. Every effort is made to ensure that all convention activities other than tours and hotel rooms are all part of a single or connected facility. Previous and upcoming sites include:

  • Chattanooga, TN - 2013
  • Indianapolis, TN - 2014
  • Boston, MA - 2015
  • Kansas City, MO - 2016
  • Tacoma, WA - 2017
  • Chicago, IL - 2018
  • Reno, NV - 2019
  • Omaha, NE - 2020 (Covid Delayed)
  • Scranton, PA - 2021 (Covid Delayed)
  • Nashville, TN - 2022
  • Concord, NC - 2023
  • Omaha, NE - 2024
  • Scranton, PA - 2025
  • Denver, CO - 2026
  • Cincinatti OH - 2027 
Annual LCCA Convention
Convention Trading Hall

Attendees to the convention enjoy a robust offering of tours to the area attractions with emphasis on railroad related tours. Typically these include at least one excursion offering. The tour schedule typically begins on Monday of convention week and proceeds all week long.

Typically there is a "Get Acquainted Party" on Thursday evening, a "First Time Attendees Reception" on Wednesday evening, and the "world-class" banquet on Saturday evening. On Friday afternoons there is a Annual Business Meeting followed by a Lionel seminar with representatives from Lionel presenting. Afterwards the trading hall is opened for buying and selling activities which resumes on Saturday morning until mid-afternoon.

Each convention often includes several seminars and clinics in the evenings as well as a Lionel company display and extensive LCCA modular layouts which are open to the public.

Click here to see information about all of our past annual conventions.

Local Train Shows

The LCCA participates in the World's Greatest Hobby on Tour (WGHOT) shows that are held in major metropolitan areas across the US. A booth co-located with Lionel, LLC allows the LCCA to get exposed to non-members and meet local LCCA members in the area. Various club products are available to purchase at the show for members.

The LCCA sponsors local train meets at various locations around the country. Local members are in charge of these meets and receive support and backing from the club. These meets are announced in its club publications and on this website. Past location of meets have included Chattanooga, TN; Lexington, KY; Naperville, IL. In addition, the LCCA hosts a train meet in connection with the annual convention each year on the last day (Saturday) of the convention. This is open to all members including those not officially registered for the other convention activities.

Special Events

The LCCA has launched out into "new" waters with special regional events with club involvement. One such event was a Dinner and Award ceremony at the New Jersey Hi-Railers clubhouse. Members were able to see this outstanding layout, have dinner together, and visit with LCCA and Lionel celebrities such as Dick Kughn. Click here to see a report on this event. Another example was the Lionel Train Days at Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh.

Look for upcoming LCCA Special Events in your area, or better yet, contact the LCCA Special Events Coordinator and schedule a Special Event in your area. The LCCA will asset in setting up a Special Event

Click the buttons below to view our current and past special events.