Lionel News

Review of Lionel Base 3 by LCCA’s Kevin Davis at the LCCA Omaha Convention

Lionel gave the LCCA a Lionel Base 3 unit to use and review at the LCCA Omaha Convention. Kevin Davis, the LCCA FasTrack Modular Layout Coordinator discusses various aspects of the Base 3 and how it performed. Kevin also discussed connectedly of the Base 3 to smartphones and retrofitting TMCC and the current Legacy operating systems
Lionel gave the LCCA a Lionel Base 3 unit to use and review at the LCCA Omaha Convention. Kevin Davis, the LCCA FasTrack Modular Layout Coordinator discusses various aspects of the Base 3 and how it performed. Kevin also discussed connectedly of the Base 3 to smartphones and retrofitting TMCC and the current Legacy operating systems. A positive experience by all users including when up to 40 members were connected to the Base 3.