This Blog is posted to review the prep work for the LCCA’s 55th Anniversary Convention in Scranton Pennsylvania. Stop by often to catch all the latest news and updates on the Convention. And remember that you can always be directed to all things LCCA Scranton by using the hashtag #LCCA2025 in the URL line of your browser. #LCCA2025

REMINDER - 2025 Convention is hosted 3rd Week in July this year - July 21-July 26, 2025

Coming to Scranton

Jun 30, 2024, 00:14 AM by Dennis Devito
As we get ready for Omaha, it is not too soon to remember that next year at this time we will be in Scranton. #LCCA2025
As we get ready for Omaha, it is not too soon to remember that next year at this time we will be in Scranton. This year the convention will be held July 21-26, 2025. It is not too early to start planning on attending this our 55th Anniversary Convention - incidentally, 2025 is Lionel's 125th year. What better way celebrate both anniversaries. #LCCA2025